Jack McDonald

The New York Times has given Erik Prince, of Blackwater fame/infamy, the OpEd space to make a case for privatising America’s war in Afghanistan. Prince’s idea, presented as a third option between leaving and staying in Afghanistan long term, is to effectively privatise the war in Afghanistan: Leave 2000 US special ops and support personnel in country, and back that up with 6000 contractors, working alongside Afghan security forces at the sharp end.

Here’s two problems with Prince’s plan:

Perhaps the only thing that could be said for Prince’s plan is that it would, upon failure, provide an easier way for America to exit Afghanistan instead of yet another dollop of American troops. One gets the feeling that after 16 years, all America wants/needs from Central Asia is to not be seen to lose. Maybe throwing tens of billions of dollars at Erik Prince might be just the fig-leaf Washington needs to exit stage left. At least that way we’d at least be saved the spectacle of endless OpEds reading the prospect of victory into tea leaves and half remembered anecdotes from Three Cups of Tea.

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