Dirty Wars
This is the handbook for a course that I run at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. You will find all the administrative details for the course on KEATS. This includes, but isn’t limited to: venues/timings for lectures and seminars, deadlines for assessments, my office hours/location. For your convenience, this handbook is available as a pdf file and as a static website.
- The pdf version of this handbook is available here.
- The website version of this handbook is available here.
0.1 Auditing
Usually I am fine with auditing, please email me if you would like to audit the module.
0.2 Tasks to Complete Before The First Class
- Important
- Read chapter 2 on physical teaching arrangements and the notes for week 1 in the week by week guide in chapter 7
- Check you have access to the readings for week 1 via the reading list link in KEATS
- Do the readings
- Optional
- Skim read the first two sections of this handbook
- Add a picture of yourself to your KEATS profile, and to your KCL Microsoft Office profile
- Perform the baseline reflection task in Chapter 9
0.3 Version History
- v1.0 (26/08/21): Initial Release.
- v2.0 (20/09/21): Updated seminars to include Dr David Bicknell.
- v3.0 (24/09/21): Updated seminars to include Dr Anna Plunkett.
- v4.0 (21/10/21): Updated seminars to reflect final seminars for Dr Mark Condos.
- v5.0 (15/01/22): Updated course outline to reflect final lecture structure and Dr Bicknell’s seminar series. Fixed some breaking changes on citations.